Thursday, September 13, 2007

I'm a Liar

Dear Body,

I know I promised fun times ahead but things happened. I'll be spending more time with Journal Paper over the next two weeks. I know what you're gonna say, "OMG, I can't believe it! That guy is such a dick!" You're right. He's controlling, demanding, harsh and cold. But I have to stick it out a little longer. We've got something special, they really know how to get you published in fancy things. It'll be best for both of us really.

I promise we'll go fishing one of these weekends, pal.

Writing 'n Professing,
Uber Geek


Anonymous said...

"Fun times"???... Could that be referring to the fun we had on Saturday? What is more fun -- watching the rain... or the immensely funnerrrrr alternative that is the yard sale??

MK said...

I want in on that fishing trip.