Friday, August 10, 2007

Food For Thought

My mind is currently in a thrashing phase (what a great cs term). I'm building some functionality which has it's meaty, little, virtual paws all over the code like a creepy family friend who's all about ABT. My situation is roughly equivalent to making a big breakfast, eating 3 bites, driving to alaska to check the temperature, stopping in texas to think about cows for a second, getting home and eating the rest of your breakfast only 1/2 through you realize you forgot to pick up salmon in seattle so you drive to maine for some chowder.

Interesting, no?

But no matter my state of mind, I just had a random realization about the next few months of my life...I'll be teaching a college course this fall to freshman. Do you know what that means?

This blog is gonna be filled with awesome stories about how dumb my students are!!!

I can't's a muppet video for reasons unknown.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your dad is the swedish chef.