Thursday, August 16, 2007

Just Say No...Where's the Fun In That?

Mr. T had it right, "Just say no and don't give me no jibba jabba, foo!" Lately I've found that I have problems saying "No" to people. Over the summer I've gotten into the following endeavors by not listening to Mr. T:
  • Design proof-of-concept framework for web service composition
  • Playing at ye ole Miller's...again (wedn1te!dr1nks4cheep!!!1)
  • Write a letter of support for a professor's tenure application
  • Yoga...the quest to be bendy
  • Design a software project for students in a software engineering course at UMD
  • Write a journal paper on system reliabilities
  • Pledging undying allegiance to the Sox stretch run (Paps 4 President '08!)
  • Become a raging dress shirt-aholic (no worries, though, I make sure to unbutton it enough so my No Problemo t-shirt is clearly visible)
  • Contribute to a conference paper on formalizing the definition of a system reliability model
  • Teaching a course on programming in C at UMD in the fall
  • Joining a band (with a drummer and everything!)
  • Researching PhD programs (oh man, I'm goin' back to school?
  • Designing and implementing super secret Kaput Center project
  • Maintaining a blog to write a post on the copious amount of things I'm doing
Not that I'm regretting any of those decisions, I just felt like whining a bit because it's sunny out and I'm inside watching birds fly into my window (hee hee, stupid birds). So, if you got some work to do, just ask me to do it...I'm probably gonna say yes.

Does that make me a work slut?


Anonymous said...

well, just think, this weekend, you can hike the hills of NH and more importantly, eat Polly's glorious pancakes. :)

The Uber Geek said...


i don't think i can ask for anything better